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March 21, 2014
Last Review
March 21, 2014
March 21, 2014
Logitech LS21 Stereo Speaker Systems

Logitech LS21 Stereo Speaker Systems

Immerse yourself in full, balanced audio and deep, rich bass for all your music, games, and movies – all from a modern, compact design that looks great on your desk.
User Rating
5 out of 5
5 out of 5
5 out of 5
5 out of 5
5 out of 5
5 out of 5
Value for Money
5 out of 5
5 out of 5
Location:City, State
Uses:Personal use
Date:March 21, 2014
I like these, for personal use.
Pros: Design, Features, Functions, doubles as heaphone amp although not recommended.
Sound's great for low watt use. Sub sounds great with the port plugged with a sock, I use it as a center channel mid-range. The satellite speakers sound good to me too. When I want LOUD sound I unplug the speakers and plug my 100mw headphones into the 3000mw rms speaker jack and turn down the sub woofer, this introduces a hum in the headphones at low volume, but at higher volumes it's loud and clear. Of course i don't turn it up all the way, I'm sure it would blow the headphones or my ears pretty quick. Now I don't have to keep buying batteries for my headphone amp, it's only 350mw anyway.